Alpine Up vs Grigri: A Side-by-Side Comparison
Finding the right belaying device can be difficult—not because there are so many bad ones, but because the market is
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Belaying devices are a crucial part of your climbing rack.
They make sure you can give your climbing partner enough slack so that he or she can actually ascend, while also helping you to fully stop the rope from slipping, so that you can break your partners fall.
While in theory you can simply belay using a figure eight, this provides no backup security and you also risk twisting the rope.
That’s why especially for beginners, it’s recommended to use an Assisted Braking Device.
The most popular assisted braking device is probably the GriGri 2 and the GriGri+. These are also the devices I am personally most comfortable with and I’d reccommend them to you for most situations.
For a nuanced break down between the GriGri and the ATC, you’d best start at this article.
Scroll down to see our most recent posts on belaying devices:
Finding the right belaying device can be difficult—not because there are so many bad ones, but because the market is
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